quickpaid schedule of prices

  1. General

The following fees, interests and financing limits apply subject to any other agreement between A.B.S. and the customer. Such an agreement needs to be concluded expressly and may also be made for individual receivables.

All quotations and prices are net prices without the statutory value added tax.

  1. General Interests and Fees

A.B.S. shall charge the customer, irrespective of actual assumption of receivables, an annual fee of 0.00 Euro for each year from conclusion of the contract.

  1. Interests and Fees per assumption of receivables

A.B.S. shall charge interests and/or fees for the assumption of a receivable in accordance with the price agreement made at the time of the offer for financing periods of 60, 90 or 120 days. The price agreement takes place when the payment term is selected in the quickpaid portal. Subject to this, however, a minimum price of 25.00 Euro for each individual assumption of receivables.

This applies to each actual payment by A.B.S. on receivables, irrespective of the existence of the receivables or the effectiveness of assignments of receivables.

A financing period of 120 days includes the agreement of repayment by the customer in instalments of 30% after 60 days, a further 30% after 90 days and the remaining 40% after 120 days.

Insofar as cash discounts can be drawn by A.B.S. when taking over the receivables, the financed invoice amount is already reduced by these.

For the overdraft of a payment term by the customer A.B.S. charges an interest rate of 2% per month from the first day of the overdraft on the outstanding amount.

   4. Financing limits

A.B.S. shall at the same time only finance receivables up to maximum amounts which may be determined by A.B.S. per individual receivable, per supplier and per customer and which shall be notified to the customer.

  1. Other fees and costs

A.B.S. shall pass on any third-party bank charges and other costs to the customer.
The customer must ensure that the SEPA business-to-business direct debit has been properly deposited with his bank. In the event that a direct debit is returned, the customer will be charged € 50.00.


Quickpaid is a product by A.B.S. Global Factoring AG, Wiesbaden, HRB 1026 8

© 2024 A.B.S. Global Factoring AG. All rights reserved.